FATHERING is one of the most important jobs we do!

Facilitator’s Manual

- Now available in Spanish! Ahora disponible en el Español
- Special Priced Starter Kit!
The Nurturing Father’s Program is a 13-week group-based program for developing attitudes and skills for male nurturance. The group of 8 to 16 fathers meet weekly for 2½ hours.
Participants will learn:
- The secrets for creating safe, loving, stable, and nurtured families.
- Positive discipline tools taught through a uniquely father-friendly method for successful child behavior management.
- Effective family communication techniques to strengthen the father-child and father-mother relationships.
- How to stop fighting and arguing by using proven-effective strategies for conflict resolution and problem solving.
- How to achieve cooperation and teamwork in family life.
Program materials include:
- Two (2) comprehensive Facilitator’s Manuals with step-by-step instructions for achieving specific learning objectives during each 2½ hour weekly group meeting.
- Twenty (20) companion Father’s Journals, an interactive workbook completed by each group member to enhance their knowledge and growth.
- A set of charts/posters to be used as teaching aids.An audio tape with prerecorded guided visualization activities.
- Evaluation forms and certificates of achievement.
Program activities address:
- The Roots of Fathering
- Nurturing Ourselves/Our Children
- Fathering Sons/Fathering Daughters
- Discipline Without Violence
- Playing with Children
- Managing Anger/Resolving Conflict
- Teamwork with Spouse/Partner
- Balancing Work and Fathering
- Communication and Problem Solving
- Cultural Influences
- Dealing with Feelings
- The Father I Choose To Be
To implement the NFP program, you must use the NFP Facilitator Manual and Workbooks.
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